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thru which the CPR runs Returning met a couple on the trail and asked them to press button of [[underline]]my Kodak so as to have a souvenier of this beautiful ride[[/underline]]. Just before lunch went behind log cabin stables and saw a bear. I called Celine and she too saw him. I [[strikeout]]film[[/strikeout]] [[underline]]made snap-shot of him then he ran off into the woods.[[/underline]] In afternoon went back to see the bear but there was none. After supper we left with wagon for [[Laggan?]] with Dudley. Tucker. Bergowsky & Dolt and boarded C.P. train for Banff. Beautiful valley, large mountains, setting sun effects. Arrived quite late at Banff Springs Hotel. when we got a good room. Hotel situated in woods[[strikeout]]long[[/strikeout]] Drive of 1 1/2 miles in a crowded dark 
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omnibus. Slept well.
July 28. Up at 9. A.M. I felt stiff in my legs and footsore but after a while went down to the cascades where the Spray and Bow River meet. Magnificent spectacle, kept walking thru the quiet woods alone until lunch. Celine went for drive in trolly bus to Minnewanka Lake and I walked to the station to get reservations for train.
Felt very tired and footsore. When I came back. After supper we left with Dudley, Tucker, Bergowski and Dolt in omnibus to Banff Station. Found only sleeping car accommodation to Winnipeg. Dudley leaves for St Paul in other car. 
July 29. 
[[margin]]Medicine Hat[[margin]] Arrived at [[underline]]Medicine Hat[[/underline]]. We are now in a prairie country. Indians with parted and [[strikeout]]plaites[[/strikeout]] braided hair on station selling buffalo hair ornaments. Same at other stations 
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