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1/3 barrel of varnish. [[strikethrough]] Hurried to train [[/strikethrough]] Discouraging letter of complaints of Erkner relative slow progress of Bakelite in Germany[[/underlined in red]], and imperfections and no successes, etc. Wrote good strong answer. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] in [[/strikethrough]] Arrived in office at 12 [[M is written over P?]] and found to my disappointment that I had missed meeting of board of directors which was called for 11 A.M instead of 2 P.M as I supposed.  Took lunch with [[underlined in red]] May [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] Prof. Ira Woolson[[/underlined in red]] at Chop House in John str. {George drove us in motor car in rain with Prof [[underlined in red]] Parr [[/underlined in red]] & Kittredge.}
Nov. 3. Rain & much rain just what we want.  Went to N.Y. office left at 5.P.M. [[underlined in red]] May seems very unpleasant, seems somewhat of swelled head or is it simply his mental weakness [[/underlined in red]]
[[margin]]nearly collision with wagon while [[underline in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] was driving in the dark. and front glass was obscured by rain.[[margin]]
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[[vertical red line highlighting second to fourth lines on page]]
[[underlined in red]]that breaks out.  [[/underlined in red]] - still he is a good
man. - best thing with be to have a good substitute for him in case he gives out.  Met [[Hager?]] in Subway he tells me about his [[Pouring Cork?]].  It rains firm and continuously. George came to fetch me with motor car together with Lewis took Mandel and Keeley home.
Nov. 4.  More rain all night and all day.  Telephone line broken on account of broken tree in garden. Went to New York at noon.  Brock and [[underlined in red]] Seabury [[/underlined in red]] came to see me to report progress.  They have sold all the remaining stock [[underlined in red]]($13000) [[/underlined in red]] of their company. Then came Nicholson of [[Geneva?]] Co then came Hooker to talk of contract with [[underlined in red]] Siemans & Halske [[/underlined in red]] finally Dr. Frank joined him
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Transcription Notes:
Erkner is the town in Germany where Bakelite was being made. HK