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[[pencil in top margin]] 108 [[/pencil in top margin]]
their motor car and arrived here for supper. [[underline in red]] Celine & Nina [[/underline in red]] made the supper. Came here [[underline in red]] to induce [[/underline in red]] me to go [[underline in red]] to trial on their damage [[/underline in red]] suit 
Nov. 28. Conference with [[underline in red]] Hasslacher [[/underline in red]] Hammar & Dubois at complimentary lunch offered to Dubois by Hasslacher. Dubois leaves to morrow for Europe. Discussed [[underline in red]] telegram of Rutgers. We all agree not to accept and [[/underline in red]] to postpone until we know [[underline in red]] better where we stand [[/underline in red]]. Cablegram sent announcing visit of Dubois and asking to postpone subject for awhile. I got quite irritated at incompetency and carelessness of [[underline in red]] May's [[/underline in red]] typewriter. [[underline in red]] Swan [[/underline in red]] at office to ask technical information.
Nov. 29. [[underline in red]] May [[/underline in red]] ill. I went to New York about 2 P.M. Meeting with Schnell of [[underline in red]] Oil Paint and Drug Reporter [[/underline in red]]; gave
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him an ad. Bragg the chemist of Ohio [[?Brass]] Co. came to see me by appointment. [[underline in red]] First copy of Bakelite Information [[/underline in red]] No 1 finally out. [[underline in red]] Has dragged long enough.[[/underline in red]] I note several errors of proofreading Gottlhelf busy with [[underline in red]] Hexamethylentetramin methods for which I want to take out patent. [[/underline in red]] Method has never appealed to me [[underline in red]] because it is too expensive but I think we better be on safe side [[/underline in red]]
Nov. 30. [[underline in red]] May [[/underline in red]] still ill. Got order for [[underline in red]] three more barrels Liquid A of Gen. Electric Co [[/underline in red]] Pittsfield. [[underline in red]] This sounds good. [[/underline in red]] This is [[underline in red]] their second large order. Dyer [[/underline in red]] telephones will come and see me Friday. - This too sounds good! Met Celine at Yonkers express train and we went together for supper at Cafe Beaux.Arts - then directly home. 
Dec. 1. 1910. [[underline in red]] May [[/underline in red]] is again
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Transcription Notes:
Having a bit of trouble reading handwriting but hopefully that will improve with more exposure. If others look at this, please check where I have inserted "[[?]]" and see if you have any better luck! --> I added formatting transcriptions and completed page 1 and 2 to the best of my ability. Who are you?And welcome aboard.HK