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happy New Year. Spent most of day in laboratory. Took nap in afternoon. Cold crisp weather. went to bed early. Children are at another party.
[[underline]] January 1. 1911 [[/underline]]
a most foggy rainy lukewarm day. Spent morning [[strikethrough]] raining [[/strikethrough]] reading and planning. Afternoon drove to New York visiting first to Hasslachers, wife and children in; then to Toch's, then to Baskerville to inquire about their boys health who just came back from hospital, operation
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mastoiditis. Then [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] and myself took supper at Palm room of Astor Hotel. Excellent cuisine and excellent. chateau. Yquem. Home about 10 P.M. Tire flattened on front of car just in entrance of Rock. lane.
Jan. 2. Foggy sultry wet day remained indoors all day and took life easy. I have some headache.
Jan. 3. Still rain and fog. Dictated letters made inventory of material belonging to Gen. Bakelite Co Went to New York. Visit of [[underline in red]] Skinner [[/underline in red]] of [[underline in red]] Westinghouse. [[underline in red]] He comes to inquire
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