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train with Nina and Celine. Slept poorly headache. Read most of the night. The [[red underline]] Life of Edison.[[/red underline]] This is somewhat a consolation in my difficulties
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March 30. No orders again. Visit of Mr [[Lissan?]] the American representative of the A.E.G. [[red underline]] Hasslacher [[/red underline]] too complains [[red underline]] we are making so little headway [[/red underline]] I feel very tired - Headache
March 31. Hecht writes me [[red underline]] Bakelite Gesellschaft [[/red underline]] has spent already [[red underline]] 93000 marks [[/red underline]] May is back from G. E. Co Took supper at University Club with Herreshoff. home with 11 P.M train
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[[underline]]April 1. 1911.[[/underline]] Clear sunny weather Got quite irritated at Jims stupid impudence. Spent most of day supervising his work on laundry stove The two [[red underline]] Middlebrook [[/red underline]] boys here for supper.
April 2.(Sunday). Restful day mildly cold. Celine in bed now with violent headache. [[strikethrough]] I seem to be [[/strikethrough]] I feel all right. Spent day reading Life of Edison. The children are at [[red underline]] Middlebrooks [[/red underline]]
April 3. Went to Allman to sit for my portrait. Then meeting of directors Protal Co [[red underline]] unanimous [[/red underline]] decision to sell out machinery of [[red underline]] Protal [[/red underline]] Co Acheson came to office.