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[[red underline]] first time a room at Club. [[/red underline]] (University N.Y room.) Dressed there for dinner Celine joined.  Dinner very jolly. Toch toast master. I made speech which was well received. While there got word by telephone that our dog [[red underline]] Brownie [[/red underline]] a [[red underline]] scotch [[/red underline]] collie [[red underline]] had hydrophobia [[/red underline]] 
Celine and I drove home together about 12. P.M. 
clear mild weather.
April 7. Dog was kept in laundry and has [[strikethrough]] torn of s [[/strikethrough]] bitten off all the sill of the window and torn up with his teeth the wood work. Lewis killed him by putting him
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in a barrel containing some excelsior with CCl4. Coal is being delivered, horrid noise. This together with happenings with dog are nerve-racking. Went to meeting. lunched at Club. Met Nelson Sage at office. At 4 [[underlined superscript]] 30 [[/underlined superscript]] P.M back to Club. trustees meeting of [[strikethrough]] Assoc [[/strikethrough]] ^Am Electro [[red underline]] Society [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough and red underline]] Chem. Industry [[/strikethrough and red underline]]  ^Society 
Feeling of cosiness in social room. 
[[margin]] New Chemists [[/red underline]] Club [[/vertical note in red/]][[margin]]
Then informal supper at Club before [[red underline]] joint meeting [[/red underline]] and presidential address of [[red underline]]  Walker returning president [[/red underline]] Lounged around club till past midnight [[red underline]] Spirit of the old club is [[/red underline]] decidedly here. Cosey surroundings. Came home 
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