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Abschied's lunch with Hasslacher. . Poor H. looks ill. - I am glad he is going for a rest.
Back with 5 P.M train
[[red underline]] Pipe stems [[/red underline]] new kind [[red underline]] turn out cloudy! [[/red underline]] more [[red underline]] trouble again! [[/red underline]] Bad sore throat slept badly.
June 3. Dictated all morning here. Hooker and Hasslacher and their families all leaving for Europe. Restful day but my sore throat bothers me. To bed early at 8 P.M.
June 4 (Sunday) Splendid clear weather. Restful night. Throat trouble gone. Motored to Plaza with George and Lewis
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to fetch Prof. Kobner [[umlaut over o]]. Lunched at Snug Rock then motor trip via Nyack and Palisades. Englewood Fort George. [[red underline]] George made very ugly face when I told [[/red underline]] him to let Lewis drive after he had made some mistakes. Lewis out of gasoline. Supper at Claremont. Lewis battery down short circuited when returning home.
June 5. Strenuous day . - Rain! Dictated letters here and reports until late
June 7. Slept poorly. - More rain Went to N.Y at 11. Found first announcement of [[red underline]] Condensite Co [[/red underline]] in Journal. Ind. Eng. Chem. Hurry lunch with Dubois then to Perth Amboy 1 [[superscript, underline]] 30 [[/superscript, underline] P.M. Saw some very good ^[[phonograph]] records made with 115
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