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who hesitates because Whitaker is in Europe and has told him not to change anything to next issue which he prepared before leaving.  I resisted. finally [[red underline]] Metzger promises to publish. [[/red underline]] dictated all day until about 3 P.M when I motored to Columbia
June 14. Went to N.Y office. Busy day
June 15. Early to N.Y McCady & McErven (of Cohoe) there also Swan.  Lunch with all of them and May at Drug Club. [[red underline]] Swan [[/red underline]] shows some [[red underline]] buttons [[/red underline]] made at [[red underline]] Duranoid [[/red underline]] Co.
Millet of ^ [[?]] Boston Phonograph Co. calls. promised him to show him records
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in one or two weeks 
[[red underline]] Metzger [[red underline]] writes he [[red underline]] cannot publish article. [[/red underline]] I telephoned right away telling he must or I shall publish it in [[?]] 
In the evening at Chemists Club, Southern Dinner, [[red underline]] M. ^[[etzger]] came [[/red underline]] to see me further expressing his hesitations etc.  Referred matters [[red underline]] to Chandler. [[/red underline]] C. says there is no reason why my letter should not be published.  He read it twice and made some slight corrections.  M. now says he feels relieved and will publish. Stayed at club [["over night" written below]]
June 16 Up early. Beautiful weather Breakfast with [[red underline]] Chandler [[/red underline]] [[Marne Duerflinger?]]. O'Neil 
at 9 [[underline superscript]] 30 [[/underline superscript]] to Perth Amboy
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