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At 5 [[underline superscript]] 30 [[/underline superscript]] PM met [[Smooth?]] and [[Winslip?]] at [[Mershon's?]] office. Opening ballots of [[red underline]] Inventors Guild. [[/red underline]] Murray rejected. Chemists Club dinner and concert. Marsh showed me his bakelite pipe stem which had become quite black;  this makes me feel uncomfortable. We must remedy this.  Home with 11 [[underline superscript]] 35 [[/underline superscript]] 
July 27 Early to New York office then at 11 P.M. conference [[red underline]] Royal Baking Powder [[/red underline]] office.  Dr. [[Vayqouny?]], Borelli  Potter ^[[Dr. Waldbeyer]] Cox and Earle? He explained his process in broad lines had some quarrel as to wording of disclaimer. Hurried to Perth Amboy [[red underline]] Buttons [[/red underline]] made with 
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Liquid A No. 10 [[red underline]] mold quickest [[/red underline]] but I find they do not stand boiling water. because they are not rich enough in binder
Lufbery and his partner Nichols there. Stayed overnight at Chemists Club.
July 28. Up early at 9 [[underline superscript]] 15 [[/underline superscript]] met [[red underline]] [[Vaygouny?]] [[/red underline]] at Plaza then went with him to Brooklyn. Met Dr. [[red underline]] Waldberger [[/red underline]] there in lab.  They showed me every detail of their installation for [[red underline]] electrolytic production [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] tartaric acid [[/red underline]] by means of [[red underline]] [[oxalic acid?]] [[/red underline]] and answered me frankly 
Took 5 PM train home. busy continuously till 3 P.M. 
Arriving home dictated some letters to miss Evans who was writing for me. Feel tired
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