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Swan there. Left at 5 P.M met Celine in train
Sept 12. Last night wrote main conditions for japanese license . At 1 [[underline superscript]] 30 [[/underline superscript]] went to Perth Amboy.  Gordon has a good matt lacquer. I got impatient [[red underline]] at sight of pipe bits being soiled with spilling carbolic acid. [[/red underline]] Went to Nippon Club when I took supper with Takamine and where I told him our conditions for license.  Home at midnight
Sept 13. [[Crowen?]] at office telling his first results and successes. Also
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[[red underline]] [[Friedbury?]] [[/red underline]] with his resin does not look to be of any importance. ^[[in pencil]] Later found it was Watson Smith's product [[/^]]  Much disgusted again because Rossi has sent [[red underline]] bad A to Boonton [[/red underline]]
Sept 14 Got telephone call from [[red underline]] Dr. Weston [[/red underline]] that he wants to tell me certain things about [[red underline]] Condensite  [[/red underline]] clique so I took lunch with Celine at Drug Club then took train to Waverly. Got news [[John?]] Barringer of General Electric Co gave us an order for [[red underline]] [[red underline]] 2000 lbs. [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] molding mixture and [[/red underline]] Barringer tells me he is well satisfied. Weston told me again the story how Edison appropriated other peoples