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[[in pencil]] 72 [[/in pencil]]
regard [[red underline]] Loeb [[/red underline]] election
Dec.12. Busy all morning with [[red underline]] more letters for Loeb election. [[/red underline]] At 2 P.m interview with [[red underline]] [[Brache?]] [[/red underline]]. I told him he should let me know whether he wants to take up Bakelite [[red underline]] hearings or not. [[/red underline]] Is somewhat hesitating give him a few days to reflect.
Went to Chemists Club to fetch proxies which are arriving very fast. Met [[red underline]] Moore [[/red underline]] he [[red underline]] seems sullen.[[/red underline]].
Lewis delivered old car to [[Jandorf?]]
Dec 13. Had to write an [[red underline]] unpleasantly severe [[/red underline]]
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[[start page]]
[[in pencil]] 73 [[/in pencil]]
[[red underline]] letter to Rossi [[/red underline]] berating him for carelessness in manufacturing and shipping goods with chips and pebbles in it etc. Very much disappointed in his [[red underline]] easy going careless ways. [[/red underline]]
At office find May very busy with [[red underline]] Bed [[Stead?]] [[/red underline]] Lacquer question of which he has unearthed the importance since [[red underline]] Damard [[/red underline]] Lacquer is trying to get a foot hold here.
Busy all afternoon with counting proxies.
At 7 PM [[red underline]] to ^[[Chemists]] Club [[/red underline]] Big attendance [[red underline]] Moore [[/red underline]] presides loses his temper and behaves very boorishly
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Transcription Notes:
Damard is the British counterpart to General Bakelite Co.