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[[in pencil]] 102 [[/in pencil]]
[[vertical red line in entire left margin]]!![[/margin]] 
hearts by showing very fine [[red underline]] samples of Magneto distributors [[/red underline]] and announcing [[red underline]] they had all [[/red underline]] the capital in sight they wanted. That ^[[Remy]] Remy now wants [[red underline]] 1000 a week [[/red underline]] and that [[red underline]] Westinghouse [[/red underline]] are going [[red underline]] into Magneto [[/red underline]] business in Newark and have adopted [[red underline]] Bakelite distributors [[/red underline]] and that he is going to [[red underline]] Bosch [[/red underline]] in Springfield where they finally want to adopt Bakelite and make final arrangements. He tells me that they all are [[red underline]] paying for Bakelite twice the price they payed [[/red underline]]
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[[in pencil]] 103 [[/in pencil]]
[[red underline]] heretofore [[/red underline]] for [[red underline]] other distributors. [[/red underline]] Got special delivery letter from Foersterling giving account of his visit to [[strikethrough]] G. Bak [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Bakelite Gesellschaft in Berlin.[[/red underline]] They [[red underline]] seem to be doing much business in buttons there. [[/red underline]] [[two exclamation marks in left margin next to above sentence fragment]] while we are not doing anything here. [[red underline]] In all other branches they seem to be behind. [[/red underline]] Their monthly sales have attained now [[red underline]] 5000 to 6000 Dollars. mostly [[/red underline]] buttons. 
Jan. 5/ Hurried dictation till 10 AM. Then drove to Cortland but it was so cold I had to give wheel to Lewis. Wickes was
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