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called upon to speak.
Seemed to have some success 
Justin Robb, my neighbor on the right and Congressman Morrison of Indiana. Chairman of committee on Patents on the right. Speeches until 11:30 P.M. Then to Cosmos Club until 2 P.M.
Feb. 25. (Sunday) got up at 8. AM but well rested. Read [[strikethrough]] Ayl [[/strikethrough]] record of A's ^[[Aylsworth's]] case
Went to Cosmos Club then drove from there with Cushman in his electric auto to his laboratory with ^[[Alfred]] Williams
He showed me [[red underline]] some cement tanks coated with Liquid A [[/red underline]] No. 15 which was nicely hardened to C. by heating by means
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of electric lamps suspended in it. Told him Liquid [[red underline]] A No. 15 [[/red underline]] can be diluted indefinitely by adding some 3% NaOH caustic soda to it. Told him also I have succeeded in hardening Liquid A No. 15 to insoluble stage by means of [[red underline]] ultra violet rays. [[/red underline]]
Lunched with Williams then [[strikethrough]] spent [[/strikethrough]] came Townsend. Explained to him in presence of [[red underline]] Williams [[/red underline]] the latter's system for [[red underline]] Submarine telephony. [[/red underline]] Then spent all afternoon with Townsend going over record of [[red underline]] Aylsworth [[/red undeline]] interference case. Had quite some fun in discovering [[red underline]] Aylsworth has put himself on record as identifying his phenol resin as being identical with the [[/red underline]]
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