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I went to Chemists Club meeting of Soc. Chem. Ind. Toch's paper on Soya beanI found out [[red underline]] Sternberg is chairman [[/red underline]] Connecticut Section of Am. Chem. Society!
May 25.  Home all day.  Evening drove to Dobb's Ferry Village meeting - Budget.
May 26 (Sunday) beautiful day went to fetch the [[strikethrough]] Baskerv [[/strikethrough]] Baskerville's and the Mays with motor car.  [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] took his 8 pound baby along. Drove them home in evening. [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] is just back from [[red underline]] trip to Chicago [[/red underline]] to meet [[red underline]] Simmons [[/red underline]] for Lacquer.
May 27.  Busy here in morning
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went to N.Y. in afternoon. Went to Taylor to try suit. Met. Hasslacher and Dubois
Supper at Chemists Club.
May 28.  There all day.  Signed paper for infringement suit.
May 29.  [[strikethrough]] New [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Pergola is up. [[/red underline]] Here all day.  Cook left. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] Malaria.  Celine [[red underline]] Malaria [[/red underline]] too.
May 30. [[written underneath date]] (Sunday) Decoration day [[/written underneath date]]. Decoration Day. Home all day. resting and studying infringement cases. [[red underline]] Celine still in bed but not [[/red underline]] very ill.
May 31.  Here in morning. In afternoon went to New York met [[red underline]] DeMuth [[/red underline]] with Dubois discussed new proposed changes to contract  he accepts them and is willing to garantee [sic] [[red underline]] an order for $100,000 [[/red underline]] of pipe stems etc. to be delivered [[red underline]] within two years. This puts us on easy street![[/red underline]] [[two red exclamation marks in left margin next to "to be delivered...easy street!"]]