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ring with him. then he took supper here then drove him back to 155 st.
Aug 12. Home all day dictating until late. Sultry weather
Aug 13. Dictated all morning afternoon motored to New. York with Celine and Nina. engaged rooms for Congress. returned at 6 P.M. Very sultry.
Aug 14. Gotthelf determining composition of impregnating liquid of condensite. Lawrence makes [[monochlornaphthalene?]]
Celine and I left with motor for lunch at Chemists Club [[strikethrough]] wi [[/strikethrough]] to meet Dr. Nich[[name obscured by ink stain]]
Dr. Nichols & Hesse [[remainder of line obscured by ink stain]]
I then went to office. News that case 36 will probably
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be allowed. Notification of interference of [[red underline]] General Electric[[/red underline]] (Hayden) with [[red underline]] my [[published?]] varnish case.[[/red underline]]
Celine was at Chemists Club with car and [[May?]] came with us to Yonkers for supper.
Aug 15. Home all day rather restless. At 4 P.M got the welcome telegram that my [[red underline]] interference case with Aylworth had resulted in allowance of my patent which will be issued Sept  10. Felt very much satisfied.[[/red underline]]
Miss Kent here for supper Celine went to a political meeting in favor of [[red underline]] Roosevelt [[/red underline]]
Aug 16. Here all day. Beautiful weather. Finishing touches on my paper to be read before Congress.
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