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in paneled room  German music on organ first. Many [[strikethrough]] made [[/strikethrough]] asked me why [[red underline]] Duisburg [[/red underline]] did not mention my work. They do not know [[red underline]] Schweitzer [[/red underline]] evidently. Evening dinner with Nichols at Belmont. [[red underline]] Ramsay, Perkin, [[Lindek?]], DeLaire Duisberg [[/red underline]] there and their wives. [[red underline]] Schwietzer [[/red underline]] too. Stayed till 11 P.M then drove home.
Sept 10. Another clear but warm day. Early to Columbia Then I am told of the [[red underline]] Wildermann - Hooker - ^[[Whiting]] Whitney [[/red underline]] row at the electrochemical lecture and how [[red underline]] Wilderman [[/red underline]]
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behaved like a "wild man" to the great hilarity of all about. Went to visit [[red underline]] Lebach [[/red underline]] who is ill in bed with bowel complaints. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] informs me that somebody seems to have entered my laboratory during preceding night, drawers open, apparatus broken etc.
Late in afternoon motored [[red underline]] Lebach ^[[& wife]], [[Vieth?]] [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Dr. Röttgen [[/red underline]] to Snug Rock. [[red underline]] Lebach [[/red underline]] seems to have benefited by this cool trip. Supper at University Club with [[red underline]] Vieth [[/red underline]] X
[[margin note]] X Went to Reception at Chemists Club too very hot and crowded! [[/margin note]]
Sept 11 This morning early I received my patent [[red underline]] saliretin + CH2O [[/red underline]] which I was in interference with [[red underline]] Aylsworth [[/red underline]].- Very hot again 
Lecture of [[red underline]] Bernthsen [[/red underline]] announcing that NH3 is made [[black underline]] commercially [[/black underline]] by N + H. after the [[red underline]] Haber process. [[/red underline]] in auditorium
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Transcription Notes:
Haber process is plainly mentioned in Wikipedia. All you have to do is google it, and there it is. No questions... HK