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of Horace Mann School. Room tightly packed very hot but much enthusiasm. Developed an american flag with process of apparatus in which process was accomplished. Lunch at Claremont with [[red underline]] Lebach [[/red underline]] and wife and [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]]. Afternoon I presided with [[red underline]] Bogert [[/red underline]] joint session of organic Section and [[red underline]] Plastic section. W. H. Perkin [[/red underline]] lecturing on [[red underline]] synthesis of rubber and polymerisation of isoprene and betadine [[/red underline]] In auditorium of Columbia University. I made a little speech for motion of thanks calling attention that there
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was no longer any doubt as to the theoretical possibilities and altho' the process is still a baby the latter shows healthy dispositions and looks as if it were going to develop into a robust manhood. Specially since two great nations ^[[England & Germany]] are giving us their foremost chemists to study the problem. and how this is a symptom of the times how two great nations instead of using their rivalry for bloodshed and destruction use their best efforts in the intellectual struggle for the benefit of the whole world etc. My little speech was vigorously applauded and I imagined that I had poured oil on the stormy waters. But
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