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I was told that after the meeting was adjourned Duisberg and Perkin had a lively tonge ^[[tongue]] - scrap before about 200 listeners the talking being done mostly by [[red underline]] Duisberg [[/red underline]].
I motored to City College to secord motion of thanks to Prof. [[red underline]] Ciamician [[/red underline]] on his address on the Photochemistry of the Future which was delivered in italian.
[[note in margin]] See printed reports.  [[/note in margin]]
Violent thunder and rain storm broke out so the lawn tea had to be given in the gymnasium where it was fearfully hot  
At evening great performance at [[red underline]] Hippodrome [[/red underline]] which everybody seemed to enjoy
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[[black underline]] Sept 12 [[/black underline]]  at 1 P.M went to fetch [[Gelemarat?]] [[red underline]] [[Lehne?]] [[/red underline]] with [[red underline]] [[Saarbach?]] [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Dr. Weston [[/red underline]].  Weather is much cooler, fine motor drive to Snug Rock, thence Tarrytown Nyack, Palisades, Fort Lee etc.
Baskerville tells me [[red underline]] Schweitzer [[/red underline]] was threatened with ejection in Section XI by Springer and Dudley for [[red underline]] impertinence [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] boorishness. [[/red underline]]
Evening [[red underline]] Banquet at Waldorf [[/red underline]] Astoria about 1200 persons present.  [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] made an excellent little speech very well delivered and much applauded.  Really [[red underline]] the hit of the evening. [[/red underline]]  In my opinion the best speech of the evening.  She is a
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