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[[120 in pencil in margin]]
in fact our European relations etc: after which we left in a friendly way. it being understood that everything we did would in the meantime be without prejudice to our case. and not take away in the mean time any freedom of action. I shall write to Townsend when it suits him to meet them.  I rushed to Yonkers and was in time for meeting Mr. and [[red underline]] Mrs. [[Lindet?]] [[/red underline]] and son and Mrs. [[red underline]] Liebreich [[/red underline]] for lunch.  Afterwards we went motoring to Irvington then back by the sound with Celine and brought
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them to their hotel at about 6 P.M.  Slept very poorly all night.
[[margin note]] [[symbol of circle topped by a cross]] [[/margin note]]
[[underline]] Sept 28. [[/underline]] Remained home all day. Clear bright day. Paulus here since 10 A.M. for discussion of drawings for connecting cells and electrolytic cells of Royal Baking Powder Co. Remained till 3 P.M. Charge 5 hours.
[[margin note]] [[symbol of circle topped by cross]] $50.00 [[/margin note]]
[[underline]] Sept 29 [[/underline]] (Sunday). [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] got cablegram her mother very ill. [[strikethrough]] Contemplate [/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Intends to leave for Europe. [[/red underline]] This will be again a general upsetting here in the household.  I intend however not to influence her. Altho' I can see no good whatever [[strikethrough]] in her trip [[/strikethrough]] for anybody concerned.
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