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He tells me he has offered his product to Porter of Royal Baking Powder Co On hearing this I telephoned directly to Busch of [[red underlined]] Hooker Electrochemical Co [[/red underline]] to advise him of this. Busch and myself both agree that the H.E.Co. just now has its hands full with manufacturing and engineering problems and is very weak on the selling end and should not risk money nor attention in trying to start new things however promising which require personal initiative and much cash for introduction. He
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tells me he sees no objection for Hageman offering it to Royal Baking Powder Co. I called up Porter of Royal B.P.Co and over the 'phone made him acquainted with the situation. Furthermore I wrote him a letter confirming my telephone conversation. Charge 1 1/2 hours to Hooker 1 1/2 hours to R.B.P.Co. Evening went to N.Y to University Club then to Mouquin for supper and went to see a play: The Never-do-well. home with last train
Oct 6. - Admirable weather Spent morning correcting final  translation of my paper on Condensation
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