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telephone. a very busy day.
Oct 10. Mild fair weather.
[[strikethrough]] Very much cast down by death of Loeb. Felix Warburg asks me to be pall bearer. Busy all day writing article of "Incongruities of american Patent litigation. [[/strikethrough]]
Drove early to station. Went to Chemists club. Cold hurried lunch. Everybody looks sad and serious. Went away with Hasslacher to Brooklyn. Cypress Hill Cemetary Salem Field Then met Dr. [[red underline]] Theodore Richards [[/red underline]] of Harvard who tells me he is also one of the pall bearers. Had much difficulty repressing
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my tears when I saw all Loeb's friend there around. Automobile Hearse first I ever saw. Mrs Loeb and two other veiled women probably sisters of Loeb sobbing silently. Everything very impressive. Imposing family mausoleum seems to emphasize the emptiness of it all. Speeches [[strikethrough]] short and [[/strikethrough]] good and short. I feared that some might try to show their oratorial talent at the expense of the agony of family and friends. Went back with Hasslacher. to office. [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] in "[[raspering?]]" mood. Home with 5:55. P.M. feel much depressed by it all.
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