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[[stamp top left]] 146 [[stamp top left]]
[[underlined]] 1898 [[\underlined]]
Dec 24 13 157 New York Alejandro Santos & Co.
No O Striker 3 - Dials 3' #1940
(Warehouse of [[Lucside?]] Alejandro Santos, Balia de Caraquez, Ecuador S America.)
[[line across page]]
" 28 13 153 Des Moines Iowa. Des Moines Union Ply Co
No 0. Time Post 
Arranged with sweep seconds hand 
1 Dial 36" dia. 
[[line across page]]
" 12 13 156 Boston Mass. New So Union Station
No 3 Time Piece 
Gran Esc. Comp Pend 
1 - sec ill dial 11'6" dia.
[[line across page]]
Mar 3 13 71 T & E Dickinson & Co. Buffalo N.Y.
3 - Dials 4'6" Ground Plate Glass 1
[[line across page]]
" 2 John H. Pray & Son Co Boston Mass
Repair & put in running order 
12' 2 dial Post Clock. Making 
special head of wood use regular iron 
top ornament but cut same so that to street 
side it will not measure over 20" from center. 
36" Dials Iron