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Barracksville, W. Va. 124
Brockton, Mass. 126.
Boston, Mass 128 ^[[2]]-131-136-146-^[[2]] 151-153-160-164-^[[2]] 165-
Barton, Vt. 137
Baltimore, Md. 139-164-174-
Brookfield, Mass. 139
Bardstown, Ky. 139
Benton, Ark. 140
Bronxville, N.Y. City 146-
Bainbridge, Ga. 148-
Beaumont, Texas 150-
Baturite, Ceava, Brazil 155
Bisbee, Ariz. 157.
Bethel, Vt. 162-
Brooklyn, N.Y. 167-
Boyne City, Mich. 168-
Barton Rouge, La. 177-
Belmont, N.C. 178-
Bourne, Mass. 179-
Beaver Dam, Wis. 182-