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July 31 Order from Am. Elec. Works.
given by Eugene Phillips - Prov. R.I.
 0  1 W.C. for 1 W.M. Oak, or Ash. Case,
 0  9 Stations.   x 
[[line across page]]
Aug. 2 Order from N.Y. office
Ship to F. Gross,   x 
 0   Scranton, Pa.
 #  1#71 Regulator.

[[line across page]]
Aug. 4  Ship to S.B. Althause & Co. New York
1 Weather Vane with necessary connections for inside dial. Vane to be exactly like drawing sent. The connecting rods to be of brass,  x 
copper plated. Wanted sure by the 10 [[underlined]]th  [[/underlined]]of Sept.