Viewing page 96 of 385

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[[preprinted]] 30 [[\preprinted]]
Dec. 13 Send to Boston Office
for C.H. Nudd,   [X]
1#75 Clock, Cherry, lettered on dial
"Presented to Craig & Tucker by their employees Dec. 25th 1886
Extra for lettering
[[written in margin]] Em Ken # [[\written in margin]]
[[line across page]]
Dec. 14 Ship to Duhne & Co. Cincinnati, O. [X]
3#75 Clocks, Cherry Cases
5#75 "          "    "
[[written in margin]] Em # Em 16 [[\written in margin]]
[[line across page]]
Dec. 14 Ship to Chicago Office
1# [[strikeout]] 71 [[\strikeout]] 84 Clock, Mahogany
1#81                                    "     "
1#82                                    " Oak Case
soon as possible
[[written in margin]] Em [[\written in margin]]
[[line across page]]
[[end page]]