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Apr. 25. Ship to N.Y. Office - for stock.
2 4 1/2 in. Marine Movts.

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Apr. 26 Ship to T.&E. Dickinson, Buffalo, N.Y.
Em P. # 
1 W.C. for 1 W.M. Battery & 6 
stations. Wire & material. [[pencil mark]]x[[/pencil mark]]
#Deld. at Buffalo & set up by them
       for City Hall.
[[margin]]Em P. #[[/margin]]

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Apr. 27 Ship to The Pinkham Elec Gas Lighting Co. 
                                 Phila. Pa.
1-12in. Elec. Dial. [[pencil mark]]x[[/pencil mark]]
[[margin]]# P.[[/margin]]

[[line across page]]
Apr. 27 Ship to N.Y. Office
Em. 1 #83 Clock

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