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[[preprinted]] 55 [[/preprinted]]
C [[purple stamp in top right]]
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Jun 29 Boston Office
1 No 58 Clock 8in Cherry.  35.-     24 50
Aug.16.'89 Em
[[/diagonal black line through section]]
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[[diagonal red line through section]]
June 30 Boston Office
1 No 72 Regulator 14in Ash or Oak.  90.-
July19 Em     27.-    63-
[[/diagonal red line through section]]
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[[diagonal red line through section]]
June 30 N.Y. Office  $300. less 30%
ship to W.N. Royall
Asst Supt A. C. L.
by Atlantic Coast Line. Charleston S.C.
1- No 61 Regulator, Mercurial pendulum 
and jeweled escapt.
mark dial James Allan &Co   300 -
Charleston S.C., instead of E. Howard &Co 30%.
ship soon as possible, sure before vacation.
Aug 4 Em Pl.
[[/diagonal red line through section]]
[[horizontal line drawn across page]]

[[diagonal red line through section]]
June 30 ord by H. Conant
ship to United States Cotton Co.
Division St. Mill
Pawtucket R.I.
1 Speed Indicator, ratch wheel cut 90 teeth 
Pl     cutting ratch chg net 1.28
chg for cutting ratch by time used. 
July 5th he has paid for the Indicators & packing them
[[/diagonal red line through section]]