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[[preprinted]] 235 [[/preprinted]]
1889 [[image – purple stamped letter "C"]]
May 6 Boston Office
send to Crawford House
Boston1 No 89 Regulator, cherry case, light finish 
mark on glass "Regulator"
notify B O. when ready and they will say
when to send. promised in 3 weeks.
May15 Em. Gif. put up by Cou. 
[[diagonal line drawn through this section from bottom left to top right]]
[[line across page]]
May 6 Denver &Rio Grande, Railroad Co.
C.M. Hobbs Purch. Agt.
ship to Denver &Rio Grande Railroad
c/o J.P. Pringle
order. #751 Denver Colo.
Missouri Pac from st Louis
3 - #70 Clocks 12 in- on or before 8th inst.
May 8 Em.
[[diagonal line drawn through this section from bottom left to top right]]
[[line across page]]
May 6 New York Office
ship to D.F. Conover &Co
Philadelphia Penna.
2 # 29 Clocks. with lap coin car ring.
for Bank. 125. 250.- 75.- 175-
must be ready June 1[[underline]]st[[/underline]] sure, as bank
opens that day.
May 28 Gif. Pl. Ken. Em.
[[diagonal line drawn through this section from bottom left to top right]]