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[[underline]] Time Lock Movements
order of delivery [[/underline]]
[[table with 6 columns with headers: No., Kind, due, No Delivered, Nos., Page]]
No. | Kind | due | No Delivered | Nos. | Page
75 | No 1 Yales | Jany. 1. 90 |[[top]] 10 Dec. 23. 88 [[/top]] [[middle]] 10 Jan. 6. 90 [[/middle]] [[bottom]] 55 Jan. 10. 90 [[/bottom]] | [[top]] 2156-2165 [[/top]] [[middle]] 2166-2175 [[/middle]] [[bottom]] 2176-2230 [[/bottom]] | 1 

√ 25 | 48L. Sing Infall. | Feb. 24. 90 | 25 Jan.  29. 90 | 4101-4125 | 13

√ 25 | Moslers  | Apr. 1. 90 | 25 Mar. 27. 90 | 519-543 | 40

√ 25 | 48L. Dou. Infall. | Apr. 4. 90 | 25 Mar. 4. 90 | 5001-5025 | 19

√ 75 | 48L. Sing Infall. | Apr. 24.90 | 75 Mar.  28.90 | 4126-4200 | 13

√ 25 | Mosler | June  1. 90 | 25 Apr. 21. 90 | 544-568 | 40

√ 25 | 48L. Dou. Infall | June 4.90 | 25 April 11. 90 | 5026-5050 | 19

√ 50 | 48L Dou Infall | Jul. 4. 90 | [[top]] 30 May. 15. 90 [[/top]] [[bottom]] 20 May.  29. 90 [[/bottom]] | [[top]] 5051-5080 [[/top]] [[bottom]] 5081-5100 [[/bottom]] |  19
√ 50 | Mosler | Aug. 1. 90 | 50 June.16.90 | 569 to 618  | 40

25 | Mosler | Oct. 1.90 | 25 Oct. 9. 90 | 619. to 643  | 67

75 | No 2 Yales |Nov. 1. 90 | [[top]] 40 Sept.30.90 [[/top]] [[bottom]] Oct. 7.90 [[/bottom]] | [[top]] 387. to 426 [[/top]] [[bottom]] 427. to 461. [[/bottom]]  |  56

25 | Mosler | Nov. 1. 90 | 25 Oct. 31. 90 | 644 to 668  |  67

50 | 80L. Sing Infall | Nov. 1. 90 | 50 Nov.  15. 90 | 3600 3676 to 3699  4926 to 4950 inclu  |  81

25 | Mosler | Dec.1.90 | 25 Nov. 29. 90 | 669 to 693  |  67

50 | 80L. Sing Infall | Dec.1.90  | 50 Dec.  13. 90 | 4951 to 5100  |   81

25 | Mosler | Jan. 1. 91 | [[top]] 1 Feb.  14. 1891 [[/top]] [[bottom]] 24 Dec.24,90 [[/bottom]] | [[top]] #718. [[/top]] [[bottom]] 694 to 717. [[/bottom]] |  67       
50 | Dalton Concussion | Feb. 1. 91}about Apr}
                                         |  89
50 | Dalton Concussion | Mar.1. 91 }17th 1891}
                                          | 89
50 | 48L. Single Infall | Mar.15.91 - May.17 }
                                         | 198
50 | 48L Double Infall | Mar. 15.91 - May.17 }
25 | Moslers | Apr. 1. 91  } Transferred to
                                        |  174
25 | Moslers | May. 1. 91  } Book # 10.
                                        |  174
50 | 48L Single Infall | May.15.91       }
                                         | 198
50 | 48L Double Infall | May.15.91       }
                                         | 198
25 | Moslers |  June. 1.91 |            }
                                        | 174
25 | Moslers | July. 1 91 |            }
                                        | 174

[[vertically]] |750 movts, value 36.773,75 [[/vertically]]