Viewing page 172 of 383

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Apr. 12. 1890
Boston Office
1 No 75 Clock 12 in
with engraved nickeled plate
Presented by
Benj. Stone Jr. Relief Corps
No. 68
[[margin]] Apr. 18. [[/margin]]
Em Pl
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Apr.12. 1890
Boston Office
1 No 58 Clock 10in.
[[margin]] Apr. 16 [[/margin]]
[[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]]
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Apr. 12. 1890
New York Office
for Riggs & Bro.
5 No 70 Clocks. 12 in
with dials marked "Penna R.R" as usual
Em Ken
[[margin]] Apr. 16 [[/margin]]
[[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]]
[[line across page]]

Apr. 15, 1890
Boston Office
ship to John C. Deehan
c/o C. H. Guppy & Co.
Portland Me.
1 #17 Clock. - hold until notified
[[margin] Apr. 17th [[/margin]]
[[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]]