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[[preprinted]] 95 [[/preprinted]]
Drake Payson & Whittier Elec Co.
170-172 Weybosset Street
Providence R.I._
on Memo for exhibition
1 watch clock for 1 W.M.
with station board._
[[note on right side of page]] {May.18. they notify us that they have received clock and c.}
May 15
[[line acros page]]

New York Office
1-24" #73 case and dial, to be fitted with special mov't.
made with marine escapt. but otherwise like a #73-
June 14.  cord barrell, ratchet winder tc tc
[[line across page]]

365 Boston office
ship to Crosby Steam Gauge & Valve co.
93 Oliver St. Boston
1 Car Clock movement with hands ftd for 8 1/2" dial.
soon as possible
May 15
[[line across page]]

1123  New York office - ship to John L. West, Steward
State Hospital for Insane, Norristown Pa.
48 special push key stations - 2 sets [[12 crossed out]] 24 each - same a sample
June 7.  sent, to use flat knife push key instead of a pin key.
Credit old stations