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[[preprinted]] 140 [[/preprinted]]

Oct. 25.1895
[[underlined]] West End Street [[/underlined]] Railway
[[underlined]] Car House Forest Hills[[/underlined]]
No. 0 Special Time Piece for 1 dial 4'dia,
figs dots and hands gilt, dial now in, 
movement to set directly back of dial
Clock Room 4x4x10 Fall for weight 10'
put up, inclu weights, they do carp work
and furnish all help     $135.00
for [[underlined]] Car House, Clarendon Hills Somerville. [[/underlined]]
No. 0 Special Time Piece for 1 dial 4' dia,
figs & dots and hands gilt, dial now in,
movement to set back of dial - 
Clock Room 4x4x10 weight fall 10'
put up same conditions as above $135.00
[[line across page]]

Oct. 23.1895
ship to
[[underlined]] Wm.G. Reuter [[/underlined]] & Co.
101 [[underlined]] W.6th St. [[/underlined]]Cincinnati, Ohio.
1 #70 Clock 12" - fitted with Program Contact
(oak case) (clock that was retd from Kimball Elec Co Fitchburg)
[[line across page]]

Oct. 23.1895
[[margin]] #2079 [[/margin]]
Chicago Office
ship to [[underlined]] Levi Fuller, West Union, Iowa. [[/underlined]]
at once
No. 1 Striking Tower Clock for 4 dials, ea 7' dia, Gilt Fig dots & hands.
Sq. of tower 11'  Dials opp clock, Fall for wt. 40'
Bell is below clock and below dials, weighs 1500#.
Building Court House & City Hall.       
4 - 4'6"
40lb ham
or. lev