Viewing page 355 of 362

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[[preprinted or stamped]] 297  [[preprinted or stamped]]
#2121  December 24, 1896.
[[underline]]New York Office
Ship to Custodian Court House + Post Office
Wilmington Del.
Freight prepaid.[[/underline]]
Nineteen (19) No.70 blocks
1-12" Cherry 
18-12" Oak @$12.00 delv'd 
[[horizontal line drawn across page]]
#125  December 29 -1896.
[[underline]]New York Office
Ship Same For N.Y.L.E.+ W.R.R.[[/underline]]
1- No 1- old regulator. please overhaul movement
Put case in good order and return to us.
[[horizontal line drawn across page]]
#126 December 29 -1896
[[underline]]New York Office[[/underline]]
[[underline]]Ship Same[[/underline]]  For [[underline]]A.W. Dennett[[/underline]]
1- Marble Dial to be refinished
[[horizontal line drawn across page]]