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Nov. 15. 1898
[[margin]] #25233 [[/margin]]
Ordered by
Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. Richmond Va.
Mark:- c/o J.W. Knapp. Supt. Thurmond W. Va.
Ship, F O.B. Line C & O. R'y.
1- Standard Regulator Clock $75.00 less 25%
[[margin, stamped]] Chg'd DEC 1 1898 [[/margin]]
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Nov. 15. 1898
[[margin]] #11639 [[/margin]]
Ordered by:
The Denver & Rio Grand R'y Co. Denver Colo.
Mark:- Denver & Rio Grand R'y.
c/o Henry Schlacks Burnham Colo.
Ship:- Wells Fargo Ex.
1- #70 Clock 12" Walnut
[[margin, stamped]] Chg'd NOV 21 1898 [[/margin]]
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Nov. 16, 1988
[[margin[[ #2474 [[/margin]]
New York Office
Chg:- [[underlined]] Alejandro Santos & Co. [[/underlined]]
15 Whitehall St. N.Y.
Mark:- c/o N.Y. Off. & pack for export.
Ship to Reach N.Y. by 25th not later than Dec 16
1- #0 Hour Striking Tower Clock with hands for (3) three dials - three (3) ft. diam. also figures & dots.
Neccessary striking chain, ropes, & hammer for a bell of 300 lbs. F.O.B. Steamer - $221.25
From dial to dial 9ft. Clock to set behind dials.
Bell above about 8ft. Drop for weight limited to about 25lbs.
[[margin, stamped]] Chg'd DEC 24 1898 [[/margin]]
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