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The Mexican Nat. Construction Co.
General Requisition
No 777
Howard Watch & Clock Co.
New York July 21, 1882
1- One Regulator Clock [[insertion]] No 60 [[/insertion]] -(same as furnished) by you, & lettered = Tex Mex. Ry. Co. ) $175 less 25%
This Regulator, now required, is to be numbered No 1- F.C.N.M. For Manzanilla Mexico. 
3 Three Clocks (small) for Stations (#70 as per your illustrated Catalogue) [[insertion]] 12 inch $20 less 25% [[/insertion]] To numbered
      {No 1  F.C.N.M.
      { "[[ditto for: No]] 2  " " " "[[dittos for: F.C.N.M.]]
      { "[[ditto for: No]] 3  " " " "[[dittos for: F.C.N.M.]]
[[extended { on let hand of text]] 
The above to be extra securely packed, in stout 
Boxes, for Export, & delivered f.o.b. {(at prices 
agreed upon, with you)
P.M.S.S. foot Canal St. N.A. New York -
No change to be made for boxing or cartage
[[/extended {]]
[[image - diamond shape enclosing letters C.A.P. ]]
Mark Mexican Nat. Construction Co.
c/o J. T. Flagg
[[right side of page, separated by vertical line]] Ship by Pacific Mail S.S. Co. foot Canal St. N.R. New York  [[/right side of page]]
Mark Nett & Gross Weights  Consigned to N.Y.O.