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[[preprinted tab]] Q R [[/preprinted tab]]

Rye Beach. N.H.  319-303-295-203-
[[margin]] see below [[/margin]]
Riggs & Brother {-234-235-237-238-248-249-255-259-262-263-
Reed & Co. J.R. 191-189-157-319-313-56-299-283-282-8-
Rockport. Mass. Town of   -225-
Rhodes Edw. S.            -230-
Russell, A.L.             -233-
Russell & Erwin Mf'g. Co.  158 -248-
Richmond Switch. R.I.     -251-
Rochester. N.Y.           89-262
Reed E.M.                 -265-
Rue J.N. La.               -32-
Rathbun & Son. H.B.        316-272-
Rice & Hutchins            276-
Rand. Avery & Co.          277-
Reynolds H.M.               38-
Roxbury, Mass.            -291-279-
Rowland Henry.            -39-
Rock Island. P.Q.          289-
Rhoem & Wright.           -48-47-
Rivers & McGrath -         47-
Rutland. Vt.              319-292-
Russell Hardy [[strikethrough]] ing [[/strikethrough]]   294-
Reid, Rev. J.M. 52.        52
Royalston, Mass           297
Riggs & Bro.    [[insertion]] 177-179-182 [[/insertion]] 306-307-312-321-326-333-155-159-164
Rosenfeld, L.              63
Raymond, A. & Co.         143-116-107-99-65
Roth & Schloss,            72 
Rathbun Co. The           316
Rupert, Vt.               319
Rodman Mfg. Co.           324
Russell, S.A.             164-325
Revere, Mass              329
Robertson, A.F.            99
Rockport, Mass            170
Robins [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] L.D.   172
Rice, W.B.                173
Racine, Wis.              116
Roch & Tilden             174