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[[preprinted]] 4 [[/preprinted]]

[[margin]] 1882 [[/margin]]
[[heading, double underlined]] N. Y. Office [[/heading]]

Feb. 7th 1882
1 Electric Watchclock for Watchman -
Hanging Mahogany Case
20 Stations -
No Battery -
We deliver & set up - Price $225.00
& they to give us old clock -
Hoffman House, New York
[[margin, underlined]] Mch 25/82 [[/margin]] 
[[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]]
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Feb. 10th 1882 -
1 No. 60 Regulator, Mercurial Pend -
Minute & hour hands from Centre
Extra Minute hand (Red) 20 Minutes Slow.
Wattles & Sheafer.
Pittsburg, Pa.
[[margin,underlined]] Mch 31/82 [[/margin]] 
[[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]]
[[line across page]]

Feb. 10th 1882 -
1 Post Clock      See letter - Mr. Carr has it
E. Hertzberg.
San Antonio, Texas -
Price Dld at San Antonia
in 3-6-9 & 12 months - $400.00
[[margin, underlined]] Shpd Mch 23/82 [[/margin]] 
[[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]]
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Feb. 16th 1882 -
6 No. 70 Clocks, 12 inch
George Wolf & Co.
Louisville, Ky.
[[margin, underlined]] Shipped Feb. 21/82 [[/margin]] 
[[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]]