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[[preprinted]] 6 [[/preprinted]] [[heading, double underlined]] 1882 N.Y. office [[/heading]] Mch. 8th 1882 - 1 No.60 Regulator - with Mercurial Pendulum - Hour & Minute hands from centre - New Haven Clock Co. 62 Reade Street. New York - This clock was [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] wanted by them & we have chd. it to N.Y.O. [[margn, underlined]] May 6/82 [[/margin]] Mch. 10th 1882. 2 No. 3 Watch Clock Movts. fitted with Dial, hands, Pendulum. Cord & Weight - Price each net $30.00 N.Y.Office. [[margin, underlined]] April 26/82 [[/margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]] [[line across page]] Mch. 11th 1882 - 1 No. 60 Regulator. Jeweled Movt. Mercurial Pendulum. W.K. Lippitt Norwich. Chenango. Co. N.Y. [[margin, underlined]] April 27/82 [[/margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]] [[line across page]] Mch. 16th 1882. 1 No. 11 Clock for Fire Dept. Lettered as usual N.Y. Office. [[margin, underlined]] Mch 24/82 [[/margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]] [[line across page]] Mch. 16th 1882 - 3 Single Tower Clock Pulleys Geo. McIntosh. Bloomington, Ills. [[margin, underlined]] April 3/82 [[/margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]]