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[[preprinted]] 7 [[/preprinted]] [[heading, double underlined]] 1882 - - N.Y. Office - [[/heading]] Mch. 28th 1882 - 6 no.70 Clocks. 12 inch dials - Geo. Wolf & Co. Louisville. Ky. Price 20.00 Less 20% [[underlined]] Fast Freight [[/underlined]] [[margin, underlined]] April 3/82 [[/margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]] [[line across page]] April 4th 1882 - 6 No.70 Clocks. 12 inch - Same as last furnished. "U.S.L.H. Estab." {painted on lower part of dial [[insertion]] our name above - [[/insertion]] Ship to N.Y. Office. to N.Y.O. 20. less 30% [[margin, underlined]] April 12/82 [[/margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]] [[line across page]] April 5th 1882. 1 No.11 Clock, for Fire Dept. Lettered as usual - Ship to - N.Y.O. [[margin, underlined]] April 12/82 [[/margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]] [[line across page]] April 10th 1882 - 2 - 16 inch Electric Dials - (1 to be the same s those sent previously (1 can be the old style round walnut case. [[More?]] Battery if required. Brooklyn City & Newtown R.R. Co. [[insertion]] wait further orders [[/insertion]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]] [[line across page]] April 11th 1882 - 6 No.70 Clocks, 12 inch dials. Geo. Wolf & Co. Louisville, Ky. Freight. [[margin, underlined]] April 12/82 [[/margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]] [[line across page]] April 11th 1882, 1 No.71 Regulator - Price 80.00 Put on front glass in gilt letters. Less 20% 16.00 "Wm. Kendrick's Sons ------ 136 fourth Ave, Louisville. Ky." $64.00 Wm. Kendrick's Sons. Louisville. Ky. [[margin, underlined]] April 19/82 [[/margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]]