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[[preprinted]] 8 [[/preprinted]]

[[heading, double underlined]] 1882 New York Office [[/heading]]
[[margin]] April 14 [[/margin]]
April 14th 1882 -
3 No. 11 Clocks    Price $25. less 20%
C.R.R of N.J.
Care of W.J. Christopher.
Elizabethport Station, N.J.
Central R.R. Co. of N.J.
[[margin, underlined]] April 24/82 [[/margin]]
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April 17th 1882 -
3 No. 70 Clocks. 12 inch dials -
Put on 1 dial "P.R.R."
Put on all, on lower glass "J. R. Reed & Co. Jewelers"
J.R. Reed & Co.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
[[margin, underlined]] April 25/82 [[/margin]]
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April 17th 1882 -
1 - 12 inch Electric Dial-
Round Blk. Wal. Case -     Price [[strikethrough]] $66.00 [[/strikethrough]] $30.00
Cooper Institute. 
New York -
[[margin, underlined]] Shipped May 20/82 [[/margin]]
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April 19th 1882 -
1 Car Clock, No 69 - 4 1/2 inch dial
N.Y. Office.
[[margin, underlined]] May 19/82 [[/margin]]
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April 19th 1882 -
1 Clock. Special Wood Case
No. 69 Movt. - 6 inch dial -
1 "[[ditto for: No.]] 69 Clock. 4 1/2 inch dial.
N.Y. Office.
[[margin, underlined]] May 19/82 [[/margin]]
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