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[[preprinted]] 12 [[/preprinted]]

[[heading, double underlined in red]] 1882 New York Office - Orders - [[/heading]]
June 1st. 1882 - 
1 No. 0 Time Piece for 1 Dial - 2 feet 8 inches in diam.
Movt. to set directly back of the Dial. 
[[strikethrough]] Wood dial [[/strikethrough]] figures & hands - We set it up -
They do all extra work & furnish dial - Price $100.00
[[margin]] July 26/82 [[/margin]]
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June 3rd 1882 - 
1 Set Hands for 12 inch dial, including the Second
Wolf & Kelley. 
120 Sutter St. 
San Francisco. Cal. 
Bill to N.Y.O.
[[margin]] June 9/82 [[/margin]]
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June 8th 1882 - 
24 No. 70 Clocks. 12 inch dials. 
for U.S. Light House Dept. 
To be marked as usual - "U.S.L.H. Estab."
[[margin, in pencil]] Bill to N.Y.O. ship to # [[/margin]]
[[strikethrough]] Charge [[/strikethrough]] James T. Barron & Co. N.Y. City. 
Price $20.00 less [[strikethrough]] 20 & 5% [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] 30% [[/insertion]]
[[strikethrough]] Ship to N.Y.O. [[/strikethrough]]
[[margin]] Bill to N.Y.O. Ship to # [[/margin]]
[[margin, underlined]] June 19/82 [[/margin]]
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June 9th 1882
1 Clock Dial - 9 inch
L. Bauman Jewelry Co.  
St. Louis, Mo.
[[margin, underlined]] Aug 8/82 [[/margin]]
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June 10th 1882 - 
1 Doz Clamps for Smee Battery
3 "[[ditto for: Doz]] Zincs ""[[dittos for: Smee Battery]]
1 "[[ditto for: Doz]] Bot. Tower Clock Oil
[[margin, underlined]] June 14 [[/margin]]
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