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[[heading]] 1882 New York Office - Orders - [[/heading]]
July 6th 1882 -
1 No.1 1/2 Striking Tower Clock.
for 2 Dials -
Diam of Dials 6 feet 6 inches. (see if dials are to be of Glass &c -)
Thickness of Dials -
Size of Tower
Dials opposite clock
From Clock floor to Centre of dials 5 feet 6 inches
Bell above clock -
Bell above Dials -
Weight of Bell 750 lbs.     see letter
Fall for weight -
M. Scooler
105 Canal St.
New Orleans, La.
Bill & Bill Lading to N.Y.O.
[[strikethrough]] Ship to S. Hernsheim. & Bro. New Orleans. La.
by Steamer - [[/strikethrough]] 
[[margin, underlined]] Aug 1/82 [[/margin]]
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July 6th 1882 -
1 No. 70 Clock. 16 inch dial - Oak Case -
$30.00 Less Comns.
N.Y. Office.
New York
Woodhaven & Rockaway R.R.
[[margin, underlined]] July 24/82 [[/margin]]
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July 14th 1882 -
1 Post Clock, No. 50 -
They want a hole in front to wind without opening the door ^[[insertion]] if possible [[/insertion]] [[underlined]] Wanted early in Sept. [[/underlined]]
Price 400.00 
Less 5%
J.P. Stevens & Co.
Atlanta. Ga.
Steamer to Savannah}
[[margin, underlined]] Sept 13/82 [[/margin]]
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July 17th 1882
1 Clock to order - 20 inch Marble dial -
See diagram (Carr has it) Case Blk. Wal.
2 Circles represented on diagram to be gilded - Scroll work on case (any kind of wood) to be simply primed [[underlined]] white [[/underlined]] -
"A.B. Griswold & Co. New Orleans" on dial - Price $100.00
A. B. Griswold & Co.
New Orleans. La.
By Steamer -
[[margin, underlined]] Aug 18/82 [[/margin]]
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