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[[preprinted]] 16 [[/preprinted]]

[[heading]] 1882 New York Office - Orders - [[/heading]]
July 24th 1882 -
1 No. 0 Tower Time Piece.
For 1 dial - Diameter 5 feet-
Gilt hands figures & Dots -
dld. & Set up -  $150.00
[[strikethrough]] Dld & Set up with dial 200.00 [[/strikethrough]]
Kranich & Bach.
[[strikethrough]] Ship by freight to Vanzile & Watkins. Troy, N.Y. [[/strikethrough]]
[[margin, underlined]] Sept 16/82 [[margin]]
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July 24th 1882 -
1 No. 67 Regulator,
with No 1 fine Regulator Movement- 
Price $400.00. net.
Bell Brothers,
San Antonio, Texas.
By Morgans S.S. & R.R. Line
[[margin, underlined]] Sept 7/82 [[margin]]
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July 24th 1882- [[underlined]] No. 777 [[/underlined]]
[[insertion]] 1 Co. 2 ours. Triplicate Bills [[/insertion]]
1 No. 60 Regulator, [[strikethrough]] lettered "Tex. Mex. Ry. Co." [[/strikethrough]]
Numbered "No 1." "F.C.N.M." in capital letters
Price  175.00
less 25% -
3 No. 70 Clocks, 12 inch dials -
Lower glass to be numbered respectively. "No"1 - "No"2 - "No"3 -
each to be marked "F.C.N.M." in capital letters -
Price - 20.00
less 25% -
Mark gross & net weight
Pack in stout boxes for export. [[boxed text]] C.A.P. [[/boxed text]]
Mexican National Construction Co.
Care of J.F. Flagg.
Manzanilla, Mexico.
Ship by Pacific Mail S.S. Co., foot Canal St. N.R.
New York -
(See copy of order on cover of this book.)
[[margin, underlined]] Aug 8/82 [[/margin]]
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July 27th 1882 -
1 No. 38 Regulator
O.L. Rosenkrans & Co.
100 Wisconsin St.
Milwaukee, Wis.
[[margin, underlined]] Sent from N.Y.O. [[margin]]
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