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[[preprinted]] 17 [[/preprinted]] [[heading]] 1882 New York Office - Orders - [[/heading]] July 29th 1882 - 6 No. 70 Clocks, 12 inch dials - Price $20.00 less 20% Geo. Wolff & Co. Louisville, Ky. Via Great Western Desp. [[margin, underlined]] Aug 17/82 [[margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]] [[line across page]] Aug. 3d 1882 - 3 No. 11 Clocks, C.R.R of N.J. Care W. J. Christopher, Elizabethport ^[[insertion]] Station [[/insertion]] N.J. [[margin, underlined]] Aug 18/82 [[margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]] [[line across page]] Aug. 3d 1882 - 1 No. 11 Clock. 25.00 Less 20% For N.Y. Fire Dept. Lettered as usual Ship to N.Y. Office. [[margin, underlined]] Aug 18/82 [[margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]] [[line across page]] Aug. 4th 1882 - 1- 10 inch Clock Dial - N.Y. Office [[margin, underlined]] Aug 8/82 [[margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]] [[line across page]] Aug. 5th 1882 - 100 New pattern, Holmes Electric Time Locks. 25 to be delivered on or before Jan 1-1883 - Each net $175.00 14 delivered April 28/83 - 11 ""[[dittos for: delivered April]] 30/83 25 "[[ditto for: delivered]] Oct 19/83 25 "[[ditto for: delivered]] May 10/84 25 "[[ditto for: delivered]] Dec 15/84 Holmes Burglar Alarm Telegraph Co. 518 Broadway, New York. [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]] [[line across page]] Aug. 8th 1882 1 No. 17 Marble Clock. {Price 100.00 less 20 & 5% net Cash. Ship to L.H. Keller & Co. 60 Nassau St. New York. [[margin, underlined]] Aug 9/82 [[margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]]