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[[preprinted]] 18 [[/preprinted]] [[heading]] 1882 - New YOrk Office - Orders - [[/heading]] Aug. 17th 1882 - 1 No. 20 Marble Clock Price $70. less 20% & 5% Mark on dial as per sketch - "Duhme & Co. Cincinnati" Clock is to hang 12 feet from the floor in a vestibule 30 feet wide - Name plain and distinct Duhme & Co. Cincinnati. Ohio. Star Union Line. [[margin, underlined]] Aug 18/82 [[margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]] [[line across page]] Aug. 18th 1882 - 1 No. 60 Style Regulator Case. the wood to be [[underlined]] plain Ebonized [[/underlined]] - no gilding - Movt. to be Jeweled - Astronomical glass dial - Mercurial Pend. Steel Jars - To be carefully Adjusted & all in good shape before sending. Their fixtures are all Ebonized & want the Regulator case to match - wanted before Nov. 1st. "Freeman & Crankshaw" {On glass in front of Pendulum Price $250.00 Freeman & Crankshaw. Atlanta, Geo. [[margin, underlined]] Nov. 16/82 [[margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]] [[line across page]] Aug 18th 1882 - 1 No. 1 1/2 Striking Tower Clock. 4 dials - Diameter of Dials 6 feet. Thickness of dials - Size of Tower - 11 feet-10 inches - Dials - Opposite From Clock floor to Centre of dials - 5 feet 9 inches - Bell Above Bell "[[ditto for: Above]] Weight of Bell - Fall for Weight - 70 Feet - Send Instructions - See diagram - R.B. Carr has it. Price $400.00 Cash- Cunningham & Ellis. Huntsville. Texas. [[margin, underlined]] Sept. 21/82 [[margin]] [[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]]