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[[heading]] 1882 -  New York Office - Orders - [[/heading]]
Aug. 23rd 1882 -
1 No. 6 Clock
Wm. Owen & Co.
Cincinnati. Ohio.
Fast Freight.
[[margin, underlined]] Sept 12/82 [[margin]]
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Aug 30th 1882 -
Order from Salem. Ohio.
order given by Joseph Fawcett. Mayor.
1 No 2 Striking Tower Clock.
4 dials
Diam of Dials 5 feet 4 inches -
Thickness of Dials - 2 5/8 inches -
Size of Tower - 9 feet 7 inches -
Dials above Clock.
From Clock floor to Centre of dials 21 feet 9 inches -
Bell Above Clock
"[[ditto for: Bell]] below dials
Weight of Bell 1600 lbs
Fall for Weight 40 feet.
Wanted immediately -
to be placed in Town Hall. Salem. Ohio.
We deliver Clock & Send man to set up -
We not to do any carpenters work or furnish Iron weights -
Price %650.00 net
[[margin, underlined]] Sept. 16/82 [[margin]]
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Aug. 31st. 1882 -
Frank Weidenfeld.
Suffolk. Va.
1 No. 1 Tower Time Piece.
for 1 dial -
Diam of Dial 5 feet -
Fall for Weight 10 feet. Pulleys to be sent accordingly -
Amt. of weight to be used - Price delivered here 175.00
Floor 4 feet 6 inches below dial - Less 20%
[[strikethrough]] Old Dominion S.S. Line [[/strikethrough]]
Steamer via Norfolk Va.
[[margin, underlined]] Oct. 7/82 [[margin]]
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