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[[heading]] 1882 - New York Office - Orders - [[/heading]]
Sept. 30th  1882 - [[underlined]] H [[/underlined]]
Poole & Hunt.
Baltimore. Md.
1 Watch Clock for 1 Watchman Hang. Case                              150.00
[[strikethrough]] 1 Regulator [[/strikethrough]] Seconds Pend. Movt.  50.00
Programm Contract                                                     50.00
Synchronizing Contact.                                                10.00
Door opening Recorder                                                 15.00
11 Stations                                  5.00                     55.00
1- 4 inch  N.P. Skel Bell & Battery                                   12.00
[[checkmark]] 2 #70 Clocks 12 inch with Synchronizer                  60.00
[[checkmark]] 1 "[[ditto for: #]] 70 "[[ditto for: Clocks]] 16 """[[dittos for: inch with Synchronizer]]                                                        40.00
[[checkmark]] 3 "[[ditto for: #]] 70 "[[ditto for: Clocks]] 20 """[[dittos for: inch with Synchronizer]]                                                       150.00
Battery for Synchronizing                    5.00 each                30.00
""[[dittos for: Battery for]] 1 Watch man                             15.00
Summary of Battery {6 Cups for Watch clocks -
                   {3 ""[[dittos for: Cups for]] Gong -
                   {15 ""[[dittos for: Cups for]] Synchronizing
[[checkmark]] 1 #9 Clock --                                           33.00
We to furnish Wires & Man to set up -
[[margin, underlined]] Oct. 4/82 Revised. [[/margin]]
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Oct. 4th 1882 - (Church)   [[underlined]] H [[/underlined]]
John Walsh.
Delphos. Ohio.
1- Quarter Striking Tower Clock No. 3 -
for 4 dials of wood -
Diam of dials - [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] 8 [[/insertion]] feet [[strikethrough]] 11 [[/strikethrough]] inches -
Thickness of dials -
Size of tower - 25 feet -
Dials above Clock
From Clock floor to Centre of dials - 32 feet -
Bell above Clock below dials -
Fall for Weight - 65 feet -
Gravity Escapement - Compensated Pendulum -
4 Bells - 3 for quarters - 1 for hours - Weight of Bells - 1200 - 1800 - 3800 -
1st quarter struck on small Bell - 1 Blow -
2d """""[[dittos for: quarter struck on small Bell]] & Second size - 1 blow each.
3d """""""[[dittos for: quarter struck on small Bell & Second size]] & 3d - 1 blow each -
4th """"""[[dittos for: quarter struck on small Bell & Second size & 3d]] & small - 1 blow each -
They furnish weights. Dials
and do all carpenters work    delivered & Set up - $1,500.00
[[margin, underlined]] Nov. 29/82 [[/margin]]
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