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[[heading]] 1884. New York Office - Orders [[/heading]]
Mar. 15th
Order from N.Y. Office
for Leyson & Turck,
Butte, Montana.
1 #2 Striking Tower Clock
Number of Dials - Four-
Dials of Wood
Diameter of Dials 5ft. 1 1/2in.
Thickness of "[[ditto for: Dials]] 1 1/4in.
Square of Tower 18ft.
Dials above Clock
From Clock floor to centre of Dial 5ft. 6in.
Bell above the Clock
Bell above the Dials
Weight of Bell 500lbs.
Bell not mounted for ringing, aside from Clock stroke.
Fall for weights 40ft.
Hands & Figs. Gilt
No. of Bells  One.
Name of building - Court House.
Price          $550.
Comp. Pend.      50.  $600.-
Less 20%
Promised in about two weeks.
We also furnish Bell 500lbs. @ 25 [[symbol for cents]] F.O.B.
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[[margin, underlined]] B.S. Mar 25th [[/margin]]
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Mar. 18th
Order from N.Y. Office
Ship to John T. Hawkins
c/o Park Bros. Taunton, Mass.
1 #59 Movt. 6in. Dial complete without case.
Dial to have Arabic Figurers, with our name left off.
Price - net - $16.-
Charge, and send bill to N.Y> Office.
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[[margin, underlined]] Mar 27th B.S. 28th [[/margin]]
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