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[[heading]] 1885. New York Office - Orders [[/heading]] 
Jany. 27th
Bill to N.Y. Office
Ship to A.R. Raymond & Co.
501 Chestnut St. Phila. Penn.
1 Registering Machine for 1 W.M. complete with the 2 Wooden Brackets & 100 Dials  75.- 
7 Boles numbered from 1- to 7                5.-                                  35.-
1- 12in. Elec. Dial square case                                                   30.-
Less 20%   
This Machine goes into the clock sent them last [[strikethrough]] year [[/strikethrough]] Jany for McCullum, Crease & Sloan.
[[margin]] T. [[/margin]]
[[margin, underlined]] B.S. Jany. 28th [[/margin]]
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Jany. 28th
Ship to N.Y. Office
16 #75 Clocks, Mahogany.   @21.-
[[margin]] Feby 9. [[/margin]]
1 #60 Regulator.            185.-
[[margin]] Feby 7. [[/margin]]
Let them know when they can be shipped.
N.Y. Post Office.
[[margin]] T. [[/margin]]
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Jany 28th
Ship to Wm. M. Holt, 521 Market St. 
Wilmington, Del.
1 #58 Clock, 10in. Mahogany Case.
$50.- Less 20%
[[margin]] T. [[/margin]]
[[margin, underlined]] B.S. Jany. 29th [[/margin]]
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Jany. 31st
Ship to N.Y. Office.
1 #58 Clock, 10in. Mahogany Case.
1 #20 Marble Dial to replace broken one.
[[margin]] T. [[/margin]]
[[margin, underlined]] B.S. Feby. 21. [[/margin]]
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Feby 9th
Ship to N.Y. Office, for Rev. G.H. Doane,
1 #29 Marble ^[[insertion]] Dial [[/insertion]] Clock, Oak Case. Case to be [[underlined]] about [[/underlined]] the following size - 4ft. 4" or 6" long.  25" to 27" high. 
Dial to have dark stains running through the marble.    $150.-
Wanted inside of four weeks. 
[[margin]] T. [[/margin]]
[[margin, underlined]] B.S. Feby. 28th [[/margin]]
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