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[[heading]] 1885. New York Office - Orders. [[/heading]]
Oct. 22d [[insertion]] (sent 19th) [[/insertion]]
Ship to Minnesota Loan & Trust Co.
Minneapolis, Minn. 
1 #1 Time Tower Clock.
Number of dials - 3
Diam. ""[[dittos for: of dials]] - 4ft. 2 1/2in. opening.
Thickness ""[[dittos for: of dials]] - Glass
Square of tower - 4ft. 2in.
Dials above or below clock floor - above
Clock floor to centre of dials - 5ft.
Fall for weight - 25ft.
Hands & figures to be gilt or black - black
Name of building - Minnesota Loan & Trust Co.
Comp. Pend. - Gas Regulator
3 Glass Dials.  Put up, but no c. work or piping - $600. -
Ship before Nov. 10th - soon as possible. - Warner & Co. - $30.-com.
[[margin, underlined]] B.S. Nov. 17th [[/margin]]
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Oct. 22d [[insertion]] (sent 19th) [[/insertion]]
Ship to Wm. Hutchings, Chagrin Falls, O.
1 #1 Striking Tower Clock.
Number of dials - 4
Diam. ""[[dittos for: of dials]] - 5ft.
Thickness ""[[dittos for: of dials]] - Wooden (2 thicknesses)
Square of tower - 10ft.
Dials above or below clock floor - above
Clock floor to centre of dials - 30ft.
Bell above or below clock - above - 15ft.
""""[[dittos for: Bell above or below]] dials - below
Weight of bell - 1300 lbs.
Fall for weight - 40 ft.
Hands & figures to be gilt or black - Gilt
Name of building - Church.
Put up, but no carpenter work $525.-
Soon as possible. A.H. Rogers $50.-com.
[[margin, underlined]] B.S. Nov. 2nd [[unclear]] [[/margin]]
[[margin]] Time 6days Ex. 38.02 [[/margin]]
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